I am back to blogging and I am just bursting with excitement at the official start of my new career as a Certified Digital Designer. I finished the course at Jessica Sprague (love her!), passed my exam, and aced my critique by Carina Gardner (love her, as well!) So now I am an official digital designer.
What does that mean, you ask? Well, I've been digital scrapbooking for 3 years now and finally realized that I want to make my own digital scrapbook kits. I've always been creative and skilled on the computer, so time to find a new path in life that will be satisfying and profitable (eventually). I am applying to be a designer at some online stores that I just love, so we will see what happens. I feel as though God has been nudging me toward this road for awhile and it's time to listen.
I have moved my blog to Blogger so that I can customize it easier with my own designs. Hopefully I'll have it up soon for you all. In the meantime, let's celebrate new beginnings. I just love fall! It has always seemed to be the beginning of a new year, maybe because I always associate it with the start of school. And now that both of my kids are in school, I still think of it that way. Do you?
Isn't this lovely?

It seems silly to celebrate fall in Florida since it is still 90 degrees in the shade here in the middle of September and will be until about Halloween! Guess what? I don't care!! I'm excited that the kids are in school and we finally have a schedule (a pretty full one with sports added in). I'm excited that I am making time to design again. I'm excited to decorate the house for Halloween / Autumn. I'm even excited that Christmas is going to be here in 3-1/2 short months!!! Get ready!